- Brain Gym I
- Brain Gym II
- Gehirnorganisation
- Touch for Health I
- Touch for Health II
- Touch for Health III
- Touch for Health IV
- Anatomie
- Tools of the Trade
- Share Care
- One Brain
- Weight/Weight
- Allergien
- Entwicklungspsychologie
- Advanced Energy Psych I
- Under the Code
- AP 1-5
- Familienbande
- 7-Chi-Keys
- AP-Dyslexie
- Ganzheitl. Sehen
- AP and the brain
- Frühkindl. Reflexe
- MET_Klopftechnik
- Leap 1
- Frühkindliche Reflexe
- Systemische Balance 1
- Biologisch med. Kinesiologie
- Biologisch med. Kinesiologie II
- Gehirnorganisation-Wiederh.
- Koordinatives Training